Thursday, April 23, 2009

Myrtle Beach Wildfires!!!

So apparently all of MB is burning down!! Even though it's not technically in MB, more like Conway and NMB. 8000+ acres or more! It started on hwy 90 and then went to hwy 31, now it's in NMB. So the fire started in Conway, from what I've heard, a guy was burning up trash, Seriously?! Why not throw it out? Who burns trash anyways, most people throw it out, and Seriously fires on Earth Day?! Serious epic fail people!!!

**By the way, I say the word 'seriously' way too much!! I'm not lying! I think it's one of my favorite words**

But that wasn't the only fire yesterday. So I work at the YMCA as an afterschool counselor (best job in the world), but my site is held at conway elementray school. On my way to work everyday, I go driving to old conway, (if you guys are from around here, you know what part I'm talking about, hopefully). Well you know how when you're driving, you past the road to get to hwy 90? Actually I think that road is hwy 90, anyways, and then you go up onto that little old bridge and you're going over a train station? I noticed there was smoke clouds coming up from under the brige. Yep! The train station is on fire! It's so crazy, and seriously fires make me really sad, I heard they found a dog that was burned in the fire! It just really makes me so greatful that my family wasn't effected my this fire.
Ok, time to lighten up the mood.
Yesterday, I saw Wall-E for the first time, and on my goodness! what a great movie!! I can't stop thinking about it, it was soo good! I'm so happy I saw it. No wonder all the kids at work love that movie so much! I can't wait to get to work today and have a "discussion" on the movie with them!! ha! It's goin to be so funny. I love the kids at work!
Anyways that will never happen if I don't start getting ready for work, so off I go. :D
** oh and by the way! I'm guessing this was for earth day yesterday, but all thoughout campus, random trees had signs up on them saying "Free Hugs". It made me laugh and smile and I even took a picture of one but I never hugged it. I thought about it more and realized that I would look kinda silly if I was all by myself hugging this random tree. Now if I was with some friends then maybe I would have hugged it....

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